Talks and Presentations

Scalable Neuroevolution of Ensemble Learners

February 21, 2023

Talk, University of Bremen, Group of Computer Architecture, Bremen, Germany

Together with Marcel Merten, I presented our work Scalable Neuroevolution of Ensemble Learners as a Group of Computer Architecture Talk at University of Bremen. In the context of evolutionary optimization, it addresses one of its main issues: lack of scalability. To this end – based on ALF – a framework was developed to heavily orchestrate genetic recombination for neural network combinations to effectively find suitable solutions. Moreover, ensemble learning methods restrict the search space. In a divide-and-conquer manner, the framework allows handling of large-scale machine learning problems.

BugRunner Turbo 2

July 05, 2019

Project Presentation, University of Bremen, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Bremen, Germany

I presented our BugRunner Turbo 2 project at Projekttag Master Informatik. The project dealt with the development of own analysis tools and artificial intelligences to find bugs in games so that e.g. speedruns can be exploited to play games more efficiently.

Repetition and In-Depth-Studying of Computer Engineering 1

June 30, 2018

Lecture, University of Bremen, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Bremen, Germany

In this lecture in the undergraduate course Computer Engineering 1 at University of Bremen, I repeated and deepened the contents concerning computer architecture and digital circuits for the exam preparation. Besides many other topics, computer system levels, pipelining, memory hierarchy, parallelism, encoding of characters/numbers, and the Boolean calculus were included.

Reverse Engineering

January 22, 2015

Talk, hmmh Wissenshunger, Bremen, Germany

At hmmh multimediahaus, I talked about risks and negative effects in terms of reverse engineering. Besides explaining basic concepts and presenting useful tools, I showed concretely how to recover source code and discussed protection mechanisms.

SQL Injections

October 15, 2014

Talk, hmmh Wissenshunger, Bremen, Germany

At hmmh multimediahaus, I talked about the functionality and countermeasures in terms of SQL injections. For this purpose, I demonstrated exemplary scenarios and showed how such attacks could have been prevented.